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Isra Hassan



the poet

Somali-American poet Isra Hassan, originally from Minneapolis, is currently based in Washington, DC. She's had her poetry published in Guernica, Poet Lore, The Waterstone Review, The Insurgence, The Penn Review, Poetry Online and elsewhere, while her debut poetry manuscript was a finalist in the 2023 Center for African American Poetry & Poetics Book Prize.

the poems


For Hoyo

00:00 / 00:42

        a bodice for your being

  an accordian for your presence 

                                              when was the last time you thanked your lungs

             air and i

                                              could you tell we’re biological sisters

             shared umbilical cords 

                                              and crawling space 


                                              from the cavern of a woman who introduced love to us

                                 before we saw the light

                                           we being us both


             and we’ll always be a we

                                           we cried

                                           we sighed

                                           we rejoiced

Of Thee, the Solemn Fluid Sings

00:00 / 00:21

                        Repentance drapes over a matriarch’s tear, 

                        her prayers sedating the quantum nocturne.

                        With it, an avenue of light begins its harmony,

                        murmuring of a kingdom come.


The Ingénue

00:00 / 00:23

                                         The abyss grins at me, 

                                            I spit in its mouth, 

                                        or perhaps, perchance, 

                                     I am the spit in its mouth … 

                                    Regardless, there and there, 

                                          together, our wets 

                                          worship each other.

Publishing credits

Sigh: The Wake (Vol. 21, Issue 3)

Of Thee, the Solemn Fluid Sings / Archetype:

  exclusive first publication by iamb

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